Friday, January 23, 2015

Jan 30 Test prep

Next Friday, Jan 30, there will be an in-class Test. It will be a timed-write. The test will be based on the readings below AND what else you have learned about 3-Act Structure from the previous readings.

Read and annotate the following articles. You may have just a page of notes for each. For the test you will need to select direct citations that will be used as evidence in our response.

Your grade will be based on the Common Core Informative rubric:

These are thereadings for you to read and annotate:

1. What's wrong with the 3 Act structure by James Bonnet

2. What is a Multiple Narrative by Kori Morgan (fixed the link).

3. What is the Three Act Structure? by Stephen J. Cannell

4. Read these two simple, quick easy excerpts:
          Structure and Plot 
          Conflict is the essence of drama

We will follow-up in class.

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