Wednesday, January 14, 2015

3 Act Structure, Storyline and Plot Assignment.

As we study Narravative Structure, we are learning the elemments which create the storyline, plot, timeline which help the director shape their own vision.

  • 1. Read this article with a basic description of 3 -Act Structure. from ElementsOf, titled  3 Act Structure.

  • 2. Read and annotate this article titled Narrative First about the narrative Structure of Stand By Me. 
  • 3. Then watch this video on 3 Act Structure and take notes.

Extra Credit: Share a video on FaceBook about 3 Act structure or Hero's Journey, with a brief descriotion of what is "new information learned" from the video.

Terms to remember to remember: Plot, Narrative, 3 Act Structure, Sotry within a story, Denouement, Apotheosis, Belly of the Whale

  • 4. Task: Use three of the terms to write a 1 page academic response, using direct quotations from the reading and videos defining the storyline or narrative structure of either The Sixth Sense or Stand By Me.

DUE BLOCK DAY Jan 20, 21.

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