Friday, January 23, 2015

Crash Homework and reading

Read and annotate this article from Roger Ebert titled In Defense of the year's "worst Movie".

Include 3 examples from your movie notes and at least 1 direct citation from the article to write a 1-2 page academic response.

Prompt: Explain your reaction to the movie Crash by interpreting the use of racism. Some critics had it on their "Best movie of the year" list, while more had it on their "Worst movie of the year" list. What do you think? Consider if the racism was "reponsible" and is the criticism of the movie valid?

Extra credit- look up another article, or video, about Crash, read and annotate and include it in your response.

Jan 30 Test prep

Next Friday, Jan 30, there will be an in-class Test. It will be a timed-write. The test will be based on the readings below AND what else you have learned about 3-Act Structure from the previous readings.

Read and annotate the following articles. You may have just a page of notes for each. For the test you will need to select direct citations that will be used as evidence in our response.

Your grade will be based on the Common Core Informative rubric:

These are thereadings for you to read and annotate:

1. What's wrong with the 3 Act structure by James Bonnet

2. What is a Multiple Narrative by Kori Morgan (fixed the link).

3. What is the Three Act Structure? by Stephen J. Cannell

4. Read these two simple, quick easy excerpts:
          Structure and Plot 
          Conflict is the essence of drama

We will follow-up in class.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Extra Credit; Yosemite free climb

  • Watch this video and read the post.

  • Find a third article on your won that relates and annotate.

Response: Relate this climb to Chris McCandless and add in your own personal reflection, in a one page response, using direct citations.

Due FEB. 9

3 Act Structure, Storyline and Plot Assignment.

As we study Narravative Structure, we are learning the elemments which create the storyline, plot, timeline which help the director shape their own vision.

  • 1. Read this article with a basic description of 3 -Act Structure. from ElementsOf, titled  3 Act Structure.

  • 2. Read and annotate this article titled Narrative First about the narrative Structure of Stand By Me. 
  • 3. Then watch this video on 3 Act Structure and take notes.

Extra Credit: Share a video on FaceBook about 3 Act structure or Hero's Journey, with a brief descriotion of what is "new information learned" from the video.

Terms to remember to remember: Plot, Narrative, 3 Act Structure, Sotry within a story, Denouement, Apotheosis, Belly of the Whale

  • 4. Task: Use three of the terms to write a 1 page academic response, using direct quotations from the reading and videos defining the storyline or narrative structure of either The Sixth Sense or Stand By Me.

DUE BLOCK DAY Jan 20, 21.

Monday, January 12, 2015

River Phoenix - Extra Credit Reading Due Feb. 9

Read and annotate the two articles below on River Phoenix and then write a 1 page response that defines the legacy of Phoenix, as identified in the readings 20 years after his death.

You must use at least 1 doirect quotation from each article in your response and follow the acadewmic writing guidelines we have established. Also, turn in your notes from the articles.

Vanity Fair, "The Night at the Viper Room":

Rolling Stone Magazine, "Last Night at the Viper Room";

This is Due no later than Feb. 9.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Understanding Hero's- Extra Credit Due Feb. 9.

Extra Credit will be for watching 1 of the movies and reading the article and writing the acompanying response. It is due no later Feb. 9.

1. Watch and take notes on the Hunger Games: Catching fire.
objective for notes; Is Katniss a traditional "hero"?

2. Watch the Lego Movie.
objective for notes: Is Emmit a traditional "hero"?

3. Read the article titled Kaniss Everdeen as Female Hero Archetype.
Read an annotate and write a paragraph respose, using citations about Katniss as the hero.

If you do not have acces to the movies you may read the article and write a 2 page response regarding Katniss as hero.