Friday, February 13, 2015

MId Winter Break Reading Assignment

Both of these readings are due in class, Monday Feb 23. 

1. Read "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button", by F. scott Fitzgerald
2. Read "It had to be Murder", by Cornell Woolrich

Extra credit:
Read "A Good Man is Hard to Find", by Flannery O'Conner

For each story, you may download the PDF onto an e-reader if you prefer and annotate from there using Evernote or Diigo. Otherwise, for each story, you need two full pages of notes minimum. Your notes should include:
  • at least 15 plot points, ie main character, narrative structure, main obstacles etc
  • 5 vocab words 
  • 3 most important quotations, cited with 1-2 sentences expalining importance
  • at least 5 pieces of personal commentary
  • for Ben Button, pay particular attention to how he is treated and why
  • for Murder, pay attention to the clues as to who committed the crime
We will need this when we come back, so I am putting it here for anyone who may want to listen ahead. This American Life, did an episode with Davd Sedaris about Detectives. You may stop listening after the David Sedaris story, "True Detective". 

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