Below is a list of terms we have studied this year, in no particular order. For the test, you will be watching two separate TV episodes. Each will have three objectives for you to focus your notes. You will be given 5 minutes to review your notes and then you will have 20 minutes to write a response based on your notes.
Below is a list of terms to be able to identify, define and explain their purpose. Also you will need to be able to refer to a movie, TV show or book where these were terms were applied (that we viewed in class):
- satire, irony, dramatic irony, word play, malaprops, symbol, metaphor, close up
- auteur, backstory, ensemble, back ground music, back lighting, medium shot, Brat Pack
- high angle, low angle, oblique angle, over the shoulder, two shot, three shot, biopic,
- blaxploitation, compilation, dystopic, documentary, establishing shot, flashback,
- tragic hero, modern hero, epic hero, fourth wall, motif, symbol, personification, Rat Pack
- vignette, ambience, mood, tone. villain, use of music, archetype characters, Frat Pack,
Your writing will be gaded on the same skills we used for your essay. A few reminders:
- have a clear thesis; a one sentence answer to the question
- make sure you say directly how your evidence supports your thesis and why it is important
- make sure you use author, tittle, page citation conventions
- look at the previous links for Commentary
A reminder that the second draft of your Into the Wild essay will be due on Turnitin, by Friday Dec, 19 at 8 am. Your annotations for the essay are due, Monday Dec. 15.